Love helping pets? Want to make a difference in your community? Consider volunteering!
We couldn't do what we do without our volunteers! Our volunteers provide our shelter pets with love and attention, keep the shelter clean and tidy, and so much more.
Learn more about our volunteer program below. We would love to have you on our team!
Volunteering FAQs
Who can volunteer?
We have a wide variety of areas in which to volunteer, and for all areas we are looking for trustworthy, responsible individuals who have experience with animal behavior or would be willing to be taught.
Children are allowed to volunteer with a parent or guardian, but children under 12 years of age may not directly care for the shelter pets.
What volunteer areas are there?
Our main volunteer areas include shelter duties (this includes animal care, organization, and general shelter cleanliness and upkeep) and assisting with events and fundraisers.
How often are volunteers needed?
Volunteers are always needed! We will work with you to ensure that available volunteering time slots work with your schedule.